Four applications where anonymizing can play a role
When it comes to protecting privacy-sensitive data through anonymizing, we often think of situations where this data is ultimately used for research or analysis purposes. However, there are more applications where anonymizing can play a crucial role. We've outlined the four most common applications for you!

What is anonymizing and how do you apply it?
Anonymizing is one of the most secure methods to safeguard sensitive data. Personal data that is adequately anonymized no longer falls under the regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), allowing you to use it for any purpose. But what exactly is anonymization, and how do you ensure that personal data is sufficiently anonymized?

Purpose limitation: What is it, and why does it play such a crucial role?
Undoubtedly, you've come across the terms "purpose limitation" or "purpose-bound" in the context of data privacy protection. That's not surprising, as purpose limitation is essentially at the core of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). But what does it exactly mean, and why is it so important?